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Handcrafted Iron Door Installation Instructions

STEP 1: Unpacking Your Door

We ship the door slab and jamb separately so that shipping & delivery is much easier. Your package will include a door slab that is protected by an individual wooden crate, heavy duty bubble wrap, and plastic protectant.
When opening the crate, first cut off the plastic banding and then carefully open the top of the wooden crate. Carefully cut through the bubble wrap to remove the door. Tell the installer to be careful when using a box cutter, knife, or
razor blade so they do not scratch the finish or glass on the door slab. It is best to cut at the side and to lift the packaging up when cutting to avoid accidently cutting into the door.
Next, the frame will come packaged in cardboard and bubble wrap. Make sure to carefully cut the cardboard and bubble wrap on the outside of the jamb to avoid accidently cutting into the finish. If the installer cuts into the finish and makes a scratch, we provide touch-up paint for this reason. However, it is hard to perfectly blend the scratches in without professional experience.
Once the jamb/frame is opened: Check to make sure there are brass washers on all hinges. A single door depending on the size will normally have 3 hinges so there would be a total of 3 washers. On a double door there should be a total of 6 washers (one per hinge) unless the door is taller than 12’ there may be 4 hinges per door with a total of 8 washers. If any of the washers are missing, please contact us for a replacement.
Once the frame and door slabs are unwrapped with the glass removed, we can begin the installation process.

STEP 2: Take Measurements & Check Frame

Verify that the rough opening is at least ½-1” wider on all sides of the outside of the jamb. Rough Opening must be 1/2-1″ larger than door size ordered. Make sure the frame surrounding the door is solid and free of movement. If the walls surrounding the door are not properly secured, this could allow for unwanted movement of the door after it is installed. This could result in damage to the door unit or the door not shutting properly. 

STEP 3: Check Height & Threshold

Check the height of the finished floor in relation to where the sweep on the door slab will be. It may be necessary to raise the area under where the threshold of the door will rest. Keep in mind any rugs or floor coverings the customer is considering placing at the interior entrance area of the door and allow for clearance of the door slab and the sweep.

STEP 4: Insert Door Jamb In Opening

Place the door jamb, or frame, in the opening. Make sure the threshold portion of the frame is resting completely flat on the subfloor and that no debris is under the jamb. Check to make sure the jamb is level. Sometimes, the jamb may need to move closer to one side of the opening or another in order to be level.
IMPORTANT: The jamb must be 100% level or the doors will not align properly. Make sure you caulk the floor underneath the jamb before installing the jamb.
Sometimes, if the ground is unlevel, composite shims may be needed to make sure the jamb is perfectly set in order for the doors to align & shut properly.

STEP 5: Align Mounting Tabs & Bolt Holes

If you have drywall and furring strips on the inside of the block of the home, it may be necessary to cut the drywall and furring strip where the mounting tabs are located to firmly secure the mounting tabs to the block. This is an important step in getting the jamb plumb and level. If you are installing the door in a wood frame opening, it may be necessary to remove the drywall and some of the wood wall to secure the jamb in the proper place. This can be done easily with an electric multi tool. After making sure the jamb is plumb, mount only one or two fasteners into the top middle of the jamb frame.

STEP 6: Secure Jamb With Lag Screws

You may want to consider pre-drilling pilot holes for the bolts to keep the studs from splitting if you have a wood wall, which would weaken the integrity of the installation. If you are securing the jamb into a concrete block wall, it is
advisable to have the concrete block filled solid for the fasteners to set properly. You should use minimum 5/16” x 2.5” lag screws if fastening into a wood wall and minimum ¼” x 3” TAP CONS if securing to a concrete block wall.
This is very important so the frame can have some movement to fix any issues if the door slabs are not aligned, there are gaps between the frame and door, or if the door slab is hitting the frame when opening/closing.

STEP 7: Install Door Slabs (Standard Hinged Doors)

Now you are ready to hang the first door slab. The door slabs will be hung by aligning the door slab hinge and the jamb hinge. The doors can only be set on the hinges if they are at a 90 degree angle to the jamb. Please make sure you position the door at a 90 degree angle to the jamb before trying to lift and install the door slabs onto the hinges.
If the stationary door shuts correctly, lock the door in place using the flush bolts. If the stationary door does not shut correctly, check the alignment of the jamb and readjust the jamb until the reveal at the top is even and level. The jamb may need to move slightly in order for the door to shut correctly. If the doors do not close properly, initially try to move the bottom of the jamb left or right to get the door in the correct position with the jamb. If this does not work enough, you may have to lift or lower the right or left side of the jamb to get the door to be adjusted properly.
Once the stationary door shuts correctly and is in a closed position, hang the active door. Again, hang the door perpendicular to the jamb in a fully open position for a smooth process. Check to see if this door shut correctly. If this door is not aligned correctly, slightly moving the jamb will cause the door to align correctly.
IMPORTANT: You may need to slightly move the frame from side to side in order to align the door slabs or if any gaps occur on the top or bottom of the door and frame.
Placing the slab on the hinges is best done with two or three installers. Pay close attention to where you handle the door, especially if you are holding the door by its scroll work. The scroll work could become bent or damaged if
pressure is applied in the wrong fashion. Also, you may consider placing small pieces of cardboard around the area of the hinges to prevent unwanted scratches.
WARNING: When only two fasteners are holding the jamb in place and you are installing the doors on the hinges, try not to open both doors all the way at the same time as this will put pressure on the two fasteners at the top of the jamb and if the fasteners are not secured properly, this could cause the jamb to fall inward or outward and hurt someone.
Once the door is set properly, the top reveal is level and the gap is the same from right to left and the door can open and close freely, you may install the fasteners on the left & right sides of the door.
IMPORTANT: Double Doors – Do NOT cut the excess middle weather-stripping on the top & bottom of the door astragal! This could cause an air gap between the astragal and the door.
If your active door is slightly hard to engage the deadbolt lock, don’t worry. This is because the astragal weather-stripping is brand new and will be stiff for a few months. Try to push on the door to close if more tightly and they engage the deadbolt. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to use a file and slightly file the strike plate edge to allow the deadbolt to engage in the door.

STEP 8: Install Pivot Door Slabs

When installing a pivot door, position the door jamb bottom pin so it lines up with the hole in the bottom jamb of the jamb while the door is open 90 degrees to the door jamb. Once the bottom pin is in place, tilt the door upwards and engage the top pin into the top of the door and once the pin is in place use a screwdriver to push the pin down as far as it will go and secure the allen screw tightly to firmly hold the pin in the current position so it does not move in the future. It is advisable to check the pivot hinge allen set screw twice a year to ensure that it is properly set and not moving. If the pivot hinge moves up and out of the door’s pin place, this can cause the door to fall and create a dangerous situation where the door could fall and could hurt or injure someone.

STEP 9: Flush Bolt Adjustments (Double Doors)

Sometimes the flush bolt pin on the top & bottom of the door may need to be adjusted longer or shorter. Flush bolts
pins are adjustable.
1. Open the non-active door and lock both flushbolts so the flushbolt pin is sticking out.
2. Twist the flushbolt pin clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on if you need to shorten or lengthen the pin.
Note: For the bottom flushbolt pin, you may need to slightly remove the door sweep and use a set of pliers to twist the
flush bolt rod clockwise or counterclockwise to allow adjustments since it can be hard to reach so close to the ground.

STEP 10: Troubleshooting

Aligning steel door can be tricky, but worth the extra effort to ensure the door closes properly.
If your door slabs are hitting each other, the steel frame/jamb, or are not even on the top, the frame will need to be readjusted.
Remove door slabs and installation bolts on each side and only mount 1 bolt on the top mounting tab. This will allow you to move the frame in either direction.
You may need to hang the doors multiple times to ensure they are aligned properly.
We recommend getting an installer experienced with iron door installations!

STEP 11: Install Hardware

All that is left is to install the door’s handle(s) and you are ready to enjoy your iron door from Handcrafted Iron Doors.
IMPORTANT: You may need to drill holes into the door to attach certain handles or 3rd party accessories. We do not warranty or service other manufacturer’s hardware. We provide custom pull handles and a standard deadbolt for all of our doors. If a client chooses different hardware, they are responsible for sending the hardware specs to Handcrafted Iron Doors when the door is purchased so we can properly manufacture the door to accommodate other manufacturer’s hardware. If we manufacture your door hardware openings for a specific door hardware company
that you request, you may not be able to use other hardware manufacturers in the future for your door.
When shutting the door for the first time once handles and locks are installed. It may be difficult to lock because the
weatherstripping is still very new and stiff. Once the door is locked for a few weeks, the door will be easier to close.
IMPORTANT: The strike plates may be different as not all hardware brand strike plates will fit perfectly. Additionally, the strike plates may need to be adjusted with a hand file or Dremel for easier close.